snack bar


snack bar 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a lunchroom or restaurant where light meals are sold.

snack bar 近义词

n. 名词 noun

place for buying snacks

更多snack bar例句

  1. At every Olympics, journalists gripe about the logistics—the buses aren’t running on time, the venues are too spread out, the food at the track and field snack bar is atrocious.
  2. Longtime friends gathered to drink beer and play cards in dormitories or the snack bar.
  3. Below, I’ve linked savory recipes starring quinoa, as well as a method of crisping it up to incorporate it into a snack bar, so we can all get over the misconception that it is bland.
  4. I took out my knife, my Ka-Bar, and knocked his teeth out, but they fell into his throat.
  5. Late former governors of NY, TX starred in a 1994 snack chip ad.
  6. You might work on the same groove for five hours nonstop, some three-bar thing over and over.
  7. The bar also claims that it hosted the first-ever poetry slam 28 years ago.
  8. A sepia photo shows him as a young boy, head in his hands, with a large book open at a bar table.
  9. But you will find most colleges and most college societies bar religious instruction and discussion.
  10. Ogden Hoffman, a distinguished member of the New York bar, died, aged 62.
  11. The mosquito bar was drawn over her; the old woman had come in while she slept and let down the bar.
  12. And when three come, me and Maud was on the Bar Y road where it goes acrosst that crick-bottom.
  13. If dat preacher goes to run a bar agin me,” he says, “py golly, I makes no more moneys!